Friday, October 29, 2010

Scottish Foods

Scottish food isn't all about the haggis. In fact, some would argue that Scotland has some of the best food in the world. Claire MacDonald, wife of the chief of Clan Donald, cook and food writer is passionate about Scottish cuisine. For the past 30 years she has worked to change the opinion that the United Kingdom has little to offer in the way of spectacular food. So if you like hearty, meat and potatoes type meals than Scotland will satisfy your cravings. Below is a picture of a meal I was served at a celebration in Scotland. I found that most meals in restaurants were heavy on the meat, potato and bread portion and light on vegetables and salads. If you are not a ravenous carnivore, there are many non-meat dishes to pick from as well.
Typical Proportions: 1/2 meat, 1/4 potatoes, 1/4 vegetables 
The Scots also celebrate their heritage and land through excellent fish recipes, soups, breads and best of all, dessert. Oats and whiskey are prevalent in Scottish cooking. However, any restaurant will have a fine selection of vegetarian and even vegan entrees.

Some foods to try at home or on your travels: Forfar Bridies: a pastry filled with delicious beef and buttered onions. Clapshot: mashed potato and turnip (swede) side dish, with plenty of butter, chives and nutmeg. Clootie Dumpling: a steamed pudding of white raisins (sultanas), currants, marmalade and spices, served with custard.

You may also want to try arbroath smokie, cock-a-leekie stew, stovies, cranachan and atholl brose. For the less adventurous, try vegetarian haggis, skirlie, Caledonian cream and Edinburgh fog.

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